iLove Computers moving to new location

*** As of Monday 31st March iLove Computers will operate from a new location ***

After 15 years in Bundilla Fair, we are excited to let our customer know that iLove Computers is moving.

From Monday 31st March our new location is 2/38 Burnett St, Mooloolaba. If you know the La Balsa building, then you will know the location. We will be closer to Mooloolaba's beautiful beach and all the fantastic restaurants along the esplanade and at the wharf precinct.

There is 2 hour parking in front of our new shop in the La Balsa building carpark.

If you are coming from the motorway you turn right at the Shell Service station on the right hand side as you come along Brisbane Rd, then turn left into Burnett St, and you will find the La Balsa carapace entrance half way along Burnett St.

If you are coming from Maroochydore down the esplanade, then you will turn right onto Brisbane Rd and just after the La Balsa building you will find the entrance to the carpark off Brisbane Rd.

New Location 

MacBook Family

MacBook Battery service and replacement

The battery in your Mac notebook is a consumable item, which means it will require replacement at the end of its useful life. If diagnostics show that your battery is failing, we can replace the battery in your MacBook. The price of the replacement battery includes installation of your new battery and environmentally responsible disposal of your depleted battery.

Apple require all batteries on MacBooks to be replaced by an Apple Authorised Technician, so we cannot sell you just a battery.

We do keep batteries in stock for MacBook Air models up till 2017 in stock and we usually quote 24 hours for replacement, however most of the latest MacBooks, MacBook Airs and MacBook Pros have batteries that are part of the topcase/keyboard assembly and Apple require them to be mailed into the Apple Repair Centre for battery replacement. This takes around one week. 


NB. As we do not have stock of all MacBook batteries, it is important to call first to avoid disappointment.